cecil results
The European Green Deal calls for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, while the EU’s first-ever Gender Equality Strategy aims at reaching a real gender equality in the European Union. CECIL connects the two strategies and builds synergies, as this represents the key step to support Europe’s recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, fostering green and digital transitions in an inclusive way.
The pandemic, in fact, has hit women particularly hard, especially with regard to their participation in the labour market. As stated in the 2021 Report on Gender Equality in the EU, labour market trends show that the impact of the pandemic’s first wave on the labour market was more significant for women than for men.
Through the educational materials and the Practitioners Networks, CECIL aims at providing both Adult educators with innovative methodologies (the tinkering methodology) and educational resources to engage the target group of women at risk of exclusion, supporting their take-up of further Adult education opportunities, by bringing them closer to the key topics of the 21st century, such are the Circular Economies and Plastic Waste reduction.
R1 - The Guide
will be a practical resource for Adult Educators and Adult Education Institutions regarding tools and methodologies to foster Circular Economy and Sustainability within their organisations and in their work with the target group and beyond. A Training Format employing the tinkering methodology in synergy with NFE methods will be included, as a practical resource for direct application of said methods in future trainings or in the daily life of organisations. The TF will be based on the findings of a transnational research (which final report will be included in the Guide) identifying the needs and barriers, and societal exclusion factors of women at risk of exclusion, and the existing offer in the frame of Circular Economy Education and Plastic Craftwork.
C1 - The Training
will be aimed at testing the TF produced in the frame of R1 and lay the foundation for the co-creation of the activities to be included in the R2 and tested in the local phase.
The programme, delivered through a mix of tinkering and Non-Formal Education (NFE) methodologies applied to Circular Economy Education and Plastic Craftwork will address the development of the set of knowledge, skills, and competences necessary for educators to reach out to the secondary target of women at risk of exclusion, transfer them knowledge and competences on the topics and foster their inclusion and employability.
The Training will involve 24 Adult Educators from partner organisations, interested in developing competences related to Circular Economy, Plastic Craftwork, Tinkering and Co-creation.
R2 - The Toolkit
will be developed through a co-design process between the Adult Educators involved in the International Training and partner organizations.
The Toolkit will be web-based and will be developed as a set of:
– guidelines on tinkering and Non-Formal education activities fostering Circular Economy
– a List of workshops related to Recycled Art and Crafts
– video tutorials of the workshops implemented during the Local Activities
Local Workshops
will be implemented in each partner country involving participants in the C1 as trainers and women at risk of exclusion (35-45), to test the activities to be included in the R2 and lay the foundation for the co-creation of the video-tutorials to be included in R3.
The local workshops will involve participants through theoretical session on basic circular economy and plastic craftwork concepts delivered using the tinkering methodology, as well as practical sessions that will help them put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired.
R3 - The Network
is a web-platform, conceived as a comprehensive tool to foster Plastic Circular Economy through Recycled art/Craftwork.
The Network will be organized in two main section:
– a resources section for users approaching the field of Circular Economy and re-cycled art/craftworks, with theorical information and a preliminary set of video tutorials on Re-cycled Craftworks, co-created by participants to the local phase and Partner organisations, with different levels of difficulty and of recycling.
– a forum section where users / practitioners can exchange tutorials for Plastic Craftwork including information on the amount of waste avoided, as well as exchange plastic materials to complete their Craftworks, with the aim of reaching a higher rate of avoided waste.
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CECIL is an Erasmus Plus Cooperation partnership between Portugal, Italy, Sweden and Greece to promote Circular Economy and Sustainability among women at risk of exclusion, supporting both the European Green Deal and the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.
This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project N. 2021-1-PT01-KA220-000026125). The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.